Christmas Movie Night
December 7th, 2024
Join us for Christmas Movie Night on Friday December 20th at 7:00pm. Great Food and Fellowship! Register on Church App in Events. $10 Fee required which will be refunded upon your attenace. ......
Pastor / Clergy Appreciation Month
October 19th, 2024
"And I will give you shepherds according to My heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding". Jeremiah 3:15October is Pastor / Clergy Appreciation Month and so show some love and appreciation to your Pastor and Ministers with a card or a word of encouragement and most importantly, your prayers as they endeavor to preach AND practice the gospel of Jesus Christ. ......
Cancer Awareness Day on 10/27
October 19th, 2024
“Cancer cannot cripple love, it cannot shatter hope, it cannot conquer the spirit.”Join us next week (10/27) as we celebrate Cancer Awareness at Greater Destiny. We will begin at 7am with our Annual 5K Walk around the neighborhood in Glen Burnie. Even if you can't physically do the walk, come out and encourage those who can and will. Our Worship Service will then begin at 9am as we wear our unique...
New Bible Study Series - Prayer
September 9th, 2023
Join us for Hour of Power beginning Wednesday, 9/13 as we study about Prayer and the absolute wonderful adventure it is with God as we learn how to unleash this dynamic power.Purchase the book, "Prayer: An Adventure with God" by David Healey from Amazon for $9.29 and join us via Zoom beginning on Wednesday 9/13 at 7:00pm.All of the details can be found under Events in Church App or Website......
Jersey Sunday on 9/10
August 5th, 2023
Wear your favorite Sports Team Jersey and join us for a high time of Worship on Jersey Sunday (9/10/23). Food will be served after Worship Service.........
GDCM Annual Back to School Supplies Support
July 28th, 2023
If you have a child who needs help with school supplies, please provide Sis. Morgan Postell with your child's name, grade, supply list by August 13th. ( or 443.564.5020)......
Graduation & Promotion Celebration
May 11th, 2023
Join us as we recognize our Elementary, Middle, High School, College and Post Graduate Partners on Sunday, June 25th.All Names Due By June 11th to Education Ministry at
Men's Bowling Fellowship
March 30th, 2023
Men - Join us on Sunday May 21st at 11:30am as we travel to AMF Bowling in Woodlawn for an awesome fellowship. The charge is $30 per person which includes shoe rental, 2 hours of bowling, drinks and food.The link for the event and registration is below. Hurry up and sign up...
Resurrection Sunday Children's Field Day
March 30th, 2023
Parents make sure you bring your children to church on Resurrection Sunday as the Children's Ministry has some exciting things planned to help them not only celebrate but also learn more about Resurrection Sunday.Many outdoor activities planned so no need for them to put on their new suits and shoes unless you absolutely want them to!!!Here is a link that for the event and a link to the flyer:http...
Women's History Month Book Chat
March 3rd, 2023
Join Lady Lisa Postell as she leads a discussion during Women's History Month on the Book, Courageously Uncomfortable by Lisa J. Goins. The chat will be done via our Church App in the Women of Destiny Group all month long beginning on Monday, March 6th. You can join this group by selecting Messaging, the Discover and then the Women of Destiny Group. The book can be purchased on Amazon for $13.99....
New Bible Study Series - Spiritual Warfare
February 3rd, 2023
Join us for our new Hour of Power Bible Study Series beginning on February 15th at 7pm. We will explore the topic of Spiritual Warfare. Purchase the 'Spiritual Warfare' book by Jack Kuhatschek for $12. Here is the Amazon link to purchase the book.Here is the Zoom link for the Wednesday Hour of Power......
Amazon Smile Program Ending
January 28th, 2023
Thanks to those who have supported Greater Destiny Christian Ministries over the past several years by enrolling in Amazon's Smile program which provided a donation to GDCM based on your Amazon purchases. Amazon has decided to cancel the program as of February 20, 2023. ......
Black History
January 28th, 2023
Wear your Heritage Attire on Sunday, 2/26 as we celebrate our Black History and Heritage. ......
Super Sunday
January 28th, 2023
Join us on 2/12 for Super Sunday as we wear RED for Heart Awareness & Valentine's Day as well as celebrate The Postell's 14th Pastoral Anniversary!......
2022 Contribution Statements
January 28th, 2023
2022 Contribution Statements are now available (1/30). You can pick up at the church or you can have it emailed to you by sending a request to ......
School Pride Sunday
September 17th, 2022
Wear your favorite School Shirt and join us in a high time of Worship on October 9th.... Let's Go!......
September 7th, 2022
There are times in our lives where we just must take a 'pause for the cause' and express our gratefulness, not just to God, but to others who helped us get to a goal or a destiny. As many of you are aware, we stepped out on faith when we decided to move from our Halethorpe Worship Center into a shared space in the Glen Burnie area. The Lord clearly spoke and said it is time to make the necessary s...
Are You Ready for A New Bible Study Series
September 7th, 2022
Right off the heels of an incredible Bible Study based on the Book of Acts, we are running it back again with our focus now on the Book of 1 Corinthians. We will still do the Bible Study via Zoom at 7pm on Wednesdays beginning on September 21st. "When you know more, you can grow more" and so we challenge everyone to purchase the book from Amazon by N.T Wright called 1 Corinthians and join us!!! A...
Jersey Sunday on 9/11
September 7th, 2022
Put on your favorite Jersey of any Sports Team and join us for Worship on September 11th at 9am as we celebrate the Kickoff of Football Season. Nachos will be served after Worship Service. Don't forget it is also Grandparents Day!!!......
Father's Day - Donuts with Dad
May 30th, 2022
Join us on Sunday, June 19th for our 9am Worship Service as we celebrate Father's Day with Donuts with Dad..........